What's The Big Deal?
With Today's Missionaries
Today's churches are often in turmoil, reducing mission budgets as part of an effort to cut expenses. If a church is healthy, they may provide a small amount of financial support for the missionary, which is, on average, only about 5% of the annual budget needed by todays' missionaries.
Before a missionary can enter the field of their calling, there are many steps that must be completed. These requirements are most often the case if the missionaries are formally trained or sent by a national missions organization:
Become debt free
Resign from their employment
Leave their families and church
Enter (and pay for) a formal training program for up to 2 years
Raise their first years' annual support prior to deployment
Pictures from the mission field
2022 Photo Album
In a deeply personal way I feel an image is a poem about life and love and sacrifice. There is seldom a picture that does not convey or produce an emotion that captures a moment forever.
This picture is at lunch time in the Carha mission in Haiti where Djumy Septembre is the founder and Pastor
Missionary Grants
Epic Missions Inc has made it a full time commitment to support Christian Missionaries around the world. Your donations to Epic Missions help make this possible.
If you are a full time Christian missionary or missionary organization, you may learn about our Grant Application process here.
Recent Blog Post:
The missionary call - No plan B
When God calls - he expects an answer. You step out in faith - it's scarey! But what if you refuse to have a "plan B'? The nights can be a bit longer - but the results are out of this world!
See what our experience...

"Give because you cannot go"
Email us at info@epicmissions.org
Reach us at 772-569-7089
Checks may be made payable to Epic Missions Inc
Our mailing address: 1085 Camelot Way, Vero Beach, FL 32966