Djumy Septembre
Djumy is a full time missionary, together with his family. He originally grew up in Haiti and then raised his family in Florida. For years he worked a full time job in St Lucie Florida and used almost all of his wages to build a children's home, school, and clinic in Gonaives, Haiti.
Djumy is now serving full time as a missionary overseeing almost 1,000 children that rely on his leadership for spiritual, schooling, food and medical care.
- Djumy's Message
- Medical Clinic
- Haiti Medical Director
- Volunteer Spotlight
- Medical Thanks
- Haiti Video Current State Fall 2022
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In 1998 I was attending Bible College in Port au Prince and returned home for a funeral. When I spoke at my home church in St Martin Village that weekend, I realized only 3 people in the congregation of 100 could read a Creole Bible. I started selling perfume to raise funds, and in September of that year, Christian Action and Relief for Haiti (CARHA) began with 35 students and 2 teachers.
Today, there are 3 CARHA campuses. Each campus is comprised of a school and church. Over 50 Haitians serve as staff members. CARHA medical clinics serve the villages of Bayonnais and St Martin, Haiti. The Mango Tree campus is home to Grace Orphanage, where 23 orphans and financial orphans are cared for by committed CARHA Haitian staff.
In 2018, partner organization Bread Bakers trained 2 new bakers to provide CARHA schools with a scientifically created whole wheat protein bread. This bread now ensures each CARHA school student receives at least one meal each school day. 2020 is an expansion year for CARHA. The protein bread will be featured at CARHA’s bakery, opening soon on the Mango Tree Campus. This bakery will not only provide new jobs to the neighborhood, it introduces the nutritional breads to the local area. A capital campaign is underway to open Grace Professional School (GPS) on this same campus.
For years now I have known that if our students, including the orphans were trained with a technical skill, they could provide for themselves. GPS will fill that need by teaching English and vocational training such as plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. This will be innovative for this area. In Haiti, students normally must finish school, then attend English training, then any vocational training. This vocational school will indeed be good news to the neighborhood.
I love my country, even when her great needs overwhelm me. It encourages me that CARHA is able to have a vision for building a new Haiti alongside Haitians. We are committed that everything CARHA does going forward is to create partnerships that will strengthen my people for the Kingdom.
For years I worked a full time job in the US to provide for my family as I traveled back and forth to Haiti. In 2018 I stepped out in faith to serve the mission full time. Within weeks a benefactor covered my salary for 1 year. Now in order to continue where God has called me to be, CARHA is in need of a donor to cover my salary. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story, CARHA’s near term vision, and considering our needs.
Consider supporting Djumy and his family through Epic Missions Charity
Today, there are 3 CARHA campuses. Each campus is comprised of a school and church. Over 50 Haitians serve as staff members. CARHA medical clinics serve the villages of Bayonnais and St Martin, Haiti. The Mango Tree campus is home to Grace Orphanage, where 23 orphans and financial orphans are cared for by committed CARHA Haitian staff.
In 2018, partner organization Bread Bakers trained 2 new bakers to provide CARHA schools with a scientifically created whole wheat protein bread. This bread now ensures each CARHA school student receives at least one meal each school day. 2020 is an expansion year for CARHA. The protein bread will be featured at CARHA’s bakery, opening soon on the Mango Tree Campus. This bakery will not only provide new jobs to the neighborhood, it introduces the nutritional breads to the local area. A capital campaign is underway to open Grace Professional School (GPS) on this same campus.
For years now I have known that if our students, including the orphans were trained with a technical skill, they could provide for themselves. GPS will fill that need by teaching English and vocational training such as plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. This will be innovative for this area. In Haiti, students normally must finish school, then attend English training, then any vocational training. This vocational school will indeed be good news to the neighborhood.
I love my country, even when her great needs overwhelm me. It encourages me that CARHA is able to have a vision for building a new Haiti alongside Haitians. We are committed that everything CARHA does going forward is to create partnerships that will strengthen my people for the Kingdom.
For years I worked a full time job in the US to provide for my family as I traveled back and forth to Haiti. In 2018 I stepped out in faith to serve the mission full time. Within weeks a benefactor covered my salary for 1 year. Now in order to continue where God has called me to be, CARHA is in need of a donor to cover my salary. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story, CARHA’s near term vision, and considering our needs.
Consider supporting Djumy and his family through Epic Missions Charity

The past 14 months have been an interesting time for the CARHA Medical Ministry. In September 2019, we opened a new clinic in Bayonnais called “The Well” thanks to our partnership with GoBuildLove. This clinic brings medical care to a remote area of Haiti that has served hundreds of patients already. In January, we re-opened an updated clinic in St. Martin. Hundreds of patients were cared for every month at these two locations. Then the COVID pandemic struck. Under the leadership of our Medical Director, Dr. Faustin Charles, the staff took a proactive approach of education and prevention while continuing care through the clinics.
At this time, we have not seen as significant an impact in and around Gonaives compared to other parts of the world. Exciting new additions are coming in 2021 Mobile Clinics The current Haitian staff will use mobile clinics two days each month to provide care for about 200 people in villages where the population cannot get to an existing clinic or hospital.
Medical Teams Medical teams from the U.S. are forming. These week-long medical mission trips begin in May. These trips will partner with mobile clinics and enable professionals to see over 500 patients per week. Join a Medical Team at We can do all of this only through your fantastic support. It’s a wonderful time in the medical ministry as we see God work in and through staff and volunteers. We will continue our commitment to provide necessary care, both physically and spiritually, for as many people as possible. Let me introduce you to some of our staff and patients.
Don Taylor US Medical Coordinator

Haiti Medical Director
“It is a great pleasure to give back to the community where I am from.” We are blessed to have such a talented and dedicated professional as our CARHA Medical Director. Dr Charles was born and raised in Bayonnais.
He began his medical training in 2003. Medical school was followed by internships in 2010 and 2011 for social services. From January 2013 to January 2017, he completed his education and training to become a certified General Surgeon. His general surgery training included time at The Brooklyn Hospital in New York and Carolina Medical Center in North Carolina in addition to Novant Health Center in North Carolina for colorectal surgery.
We are truly blessed to have Dr. Faustin Charles as the CARHA Medical Director. He joined the CARHA team in August 2019 with a great vision and plans for opening The Well Medical Clinic in Bayonnais. He has hired, trained, and equipped the staff at both CARHA clinics while still working as a surgeon in the Gonaives General Hospital.

Nurse Darline Dubreus’s family is from Bayonnais. She has always had a desire to work in her home community after she completed her studies. She missed her original CARHA interview because she was in the Dominican Republic with her mother who was sick at that time. In March, she wrote a note on the CARHA Facebook page to show her desire to work as a volunteer in the clinic in Bayonnais. Pastor Djumy saw her message and met with her.
After hours of talking, he understood how much Nurse Darline was interested in working as a volunteer at the clinic. She started working in the clinic as a volunteer in April. “It is very unusual that someone in the medical field works without pay since they are unsure how to pay their expenses,” Pastor Djumy notes. “She is a very good and professional RN. After many months of volunteering, she still gives the best of herself in everything that she does in the clinic.
No one thinks of her as a volunteer because she works so well.” It is a blessing for us to have Nurse Darline with us. We hope to have her officially integrated into the team soon.

Don Taylor, Medical Coordinator
as told by Dr. Faustin Charles, Medical Director
A 4-year-old male was seen in the clinic for a fever of 102.9 and chills for many days. His mother explained that he had pain and had not slept for several days. We kept him at the clinic for about 6 hours, giving him IV fluids, IV antibiotics, hydrotherapy, and Tylenol. Even after treatment, his fever continued, and we believed it might be pyelonephritis (a potentially life threatening severe kidney infection) and recommended that he be referred to the Gonaives Hospital.
Unfortunately, his mother refused a trip to the hospital because of lack of finances. We respected his mother’s will and sent him home with counseling and the IV in place to continue antibiotics. The next day, he returned to the clinic to continue the medications, and by the end of the day, his fever was gone and he no longer had any pain.
We sent him home with oral antibiotics. All of his family is happy and grateful to the clinic and staff. It was a blessing to treat him there without a trip to the hospital.
This video was done by a blogger not affiliated with Epic Missions or Carha. But we have included it here on our website so that you can see the real state of affairs in Haiti. Things are so much more desperate than when I (Paul Munsie) travelled there after the earthquake. Please watch this to see why we need your help and why Haiti is such a desperate and crime ridden Island Nation.

"Give because you cannot go"
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