Evan and Chelsea
Presently Chelsey and I are in full-time church planting and linguistics training with Ethnos360 preparing to go and live with an unreached
people group. With God’s help, we will learn their heart language and culture, translate the Bible into their language,
teach through the Bible chronologcially, and plant a thriving, mature church among the new believers.
Our goal is to
leave them with a self-sustaining church, led by elders and believers from the people group themselves. This is a career
long process, and can take anywhere from 15-30 years. We are currently training in Missouri
3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
As Chelsey and I look back on our lives up until this point, we’re reminded of this passage. How before Jesus went on to finish his task that he was sent for, John makes it a point to tell us that Jesus knew three things; where he had come from, where he was going, and who had given him all things.
God graciously provided Chelsey and I with safe childhoods in the same hometown. We were both raised going to the same church, Trinity Covenant Church in Manchester, CT, hearing weekly about who God is and was. Even though our paths crossed many times in our early years, our lives were very different. Chelsey believed in Jesus at a young age, and I did not come to believe in Jesus until I was 17. Our worlds truly collided in the second half of high school, after the gospel radically changed my life and brought me back to our church’s youth group. We attended a missions trip to Tijuana, Mexico together, and while there, God convicted us of His heart for all nations, and we saw it happen in each other’s hearts. A couple months after that trip, we began dating. Over the six and half years of our dating relationship, God continued to faithfully teach us more about His Word, His love, and what it truly meant to live in light of the gospel.
In 2015, we were married, with the plans to work ourselves out of debt so we could be missionaries. Chelsey worked as a nurse, and I as an EMT, until God uprooted us from our hometown to begin training with Ethnos360. When we heard how there are over 1,600 people groups in the world without any Bible translated into their own language, it broke our hearts. God drew us to Ethnos360 because of their mission to reach the unreached with the gospel.
In August of 2018, we moved to Jackson, Michigan and attended the Ethnos360 Bible Institute for a year of Bible training. This was the first step in the training process of becoming tribal church planters with Ethnos360. God continued to teach us more about His Word, and grew our trust in Him greatly.
In August of 2019, we began our full-time training at the Missionary Training Center in Roach, Missouri. This is a two year program where we are trained in all the areas necessary to plant a church among an unreached people group. We are set to finish the program in March of 2021. At this point we have not chosen what country we will serve in, but there are unreached people groups who need the word of God all over the world, including discernment in this decision.
Though we do not know exactly where we will be in our futures on Earth, we do know where we will be after we die. After coming to an understanding of our own sinfulness, we know there is no way we can earn our own salvation. Knowing full well that we are sinners, God in his grace made a way for us through his Son’s death and resurrection to have a relationship with Him. We are overwhelmed by the grace shown in this, and that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” . It is through knowing Jesus and trusting in what He has done for us that we can be assured of our eternal salvation. “And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20b
God has taught us thus far in our lives that He is our provider. He provided us with salvation through His son Jesus; He’s provided us with His Word; He’s provided gifts for His glory. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
So far in our lives, God has shown us over and over again how faithful He is to us in providing everything we need. Often times, He uses the people He’s put in our lives to remind us of His faithfulness. Chelsey and I are seeking to play a small role in fulfilling God’s desire, for people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to be able to have a relationship with Him and read and understand His word in their own language. You can get involved too!
Please give today so that we can serve fully in our calling.

"Give because you cannot go"
Email us at info@epicmissions.org
Reach us at 772-569-7089
Checks may be made payable to Epic Missions Inc
Our mailing address: 1085 Camelot Way, Vero Beach, FL 32966